Instutional research and fund management focusing on blockchain, AI, and privacy solutions.

We invest in digital assets at early stages in order to allocate capital with high efficiency. Kaner Capital also supports the invested projects by providing all types of solutions, to create a mutualistic relationship. The most common investment types are early-stage tokens and venture equities.

AI & Web3

Our team forecasts a high potential in the AI industry, therefore we invest in innovative projects that will take the technology to the next level. Web3 already allows projects to become decentralized and create fair revenue models. We are confident that these two sectors will have a significant share in the global markets soon. Consequently, we allocate our funds to these technology firms with high conviction.

What have we done?


Assets Under Management


Fund strategies


Venture Investments

Many other investments and venture


Our portfolio is the list of projects that Kaner Capital has invested in with funds under management. Please note that there is no assurance of profit and there are certain risks in investing.


Our Team

Metin Kaner


Berke Gençkaya

Technical Researcher

Erkan Mert Dumruk

Business Developer

Önder Kutay Toker

Project Researcher